[26 September] 8 October 1833. The Commercial Agent (having consular duties) of Bavaria in Bahia, Brazil, confirms that he also undertakes the protection of Greek nationals, thereby creating one of the Greek-Bavarian Authorities established in implementation of the 1832 Agreement between the two countries on the establishment of joint consular Authorities.
16/28 April 1842. Royal Decree for the nomination of the first Consul of Greece in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), French national Ηenri Riedy. This is the first nomination of consular or diplomatic representative of Greece in a Latin American State since the establishment of the Greek-Bavarian Consulate in Bahia in 1833.
[7]19 February 1847. Letter of nomination of the first Consul General of Brazil in Greece, Ernesto Antonio De Souza Leconte. It states that “His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, wishing to express his feelings towards His Majesty the King of Greece and the great desire to establish relations of friendship and trade between the two Countries…”.
26 September 1847 [8 October] 1847. Minister of Foreign Affairs Georgios Glarakis submits for recognition by King Othon the diploma of nomination of the first Consul General of Brazil in Greece, Ernesto Antonio De Souza Leconte.