8/20 August 1834. Decree nominating freedom fighter Nikolaos Thiseas as the first Consul of Greece in Cyprus. Thiseas was born in Cyprus and participated in the Greek Revolution fighting mainly in the Peloponnese. After he returned to the island, he was one of the leaders of the March 1833 revolt which mainly took place in the area of Larnaka, Agios Georgios Kontos and Stavrovouni. He never assumed the duties of the Consul in Cyprus, as he had already left the island when he was nominated, and later became the first Greek Consul in Beirut.
15/27 September 1834. The first page of the consular instructions to Vice-Consul of Greece in Cyprus Dimitrios Fragoudis (nominated after N. Thiseas). Τhe Ottoman authorities refused to recognize him and therefore he did not go to Cyprus to assume his duties either. He remained in Athens, having the title of Vice-Consul in Cyprus, until 1841 when he was nominated Vice-Consul in Zakynthos.
19/31 July 1846. The report by Dimitrios Margaritis, the first Vice-Consul of Greece in Cyprus who assumed his duties, concerning his arrival in the island on 19 June 1846 and his reception by the local Ottoman authorities. The first Greek consular Authority in Cyprus is an accomplished fact.